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Abstract Submission

Abstract format: MS-word, Times New Roman, font size 12, double spacing

Abstract should not exceed 250 words. Key words 5 to 6

The soft copy of the abstract in doc file should be uploaded on the website.

Oral/ Poster, E-Poster Presentation

Research scholars and students can participate in Oral/ poster presentation competition and the best posters and oral presentations will be rewarded. The poster size should be of 48 x 36 inches. Oral presentation (MS-PPT) will be of 5-8 minutes with maximum of 10-15 slides.


Poster size and orientation

  1. All posters will be set in portrait style orientation (and all information (i.e. text, data, photos, and figures) must be designed to appear within one window/slide.
  2. If you design your E-Poster in PowerPoint (PPT), ALL information must appear within ONE (1) slide only. Use Page Setup and choose Slide Size: “Custom (Width 50 cm, Height 90 cm)” with a Portrait (vertical) orientation.
  3. Save your PPT into PDF format.
  4. Poster should be written ONLY in English language.
  5. Graphs and tables should be well organized and the font used should be of a size that is easy to read.

Content of poster presentation

  1. Research (Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion, References and Acknowledgment).
  2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest for all authors; if there are no relevant conflicts, this must be included on the poster.

Abstract Upload

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